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Daniel Guirado Rodríguez

PhD in Astrophysics from both the University of Granada and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC). After completing my doctoral studies, I embarked on a postdoctoral research journey at the University of Helsinki, where I delved into the fascinating realm of polarized light scattering. At the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, my research primarily focuses on exploring various aspects of light scattering, from developing models to interpreting observations and conducting measurements, especially in comet studies and experimental setups.

Beyond my research endeavors, I am deeply committed to science communication and outreach. One of my flagship initiatives is “Ciencia en el Bar,” where I blend science with music and radio through my program “El Científico Trovador,” aired on El Radioscopio, Radio Andalucía Información. Additionally, I have been actively involved in motivating young minds towards science since 2013, particularly at the infant and primary school levels, collaborating with the extracurricular activities company MiMedia.

My research interests are diverse, spanning areas such as light scattering, radiative transfer theory, planetary atmospheres, Monte Carlo simulations, planetary surfaces, polarimetry, light scattering instrumentation, aerosols, optical design, and optics. Through my multifaceted approach to science, I strive not only to deepen our understanding of astrophysical phenomena but also to inspire and educate the next generation of scientists, fostering a passion for discovery and exploration.

Fernando Moreno Danvila

Scientific Researcher

Olga Muñoz Gómez

Scientific Researcher

Juan Carlos Gómez Martín

Senior Researcher

Elisa Frattin

Postdoctoral Researcher

Julia Martikainen

Postdoctoral Researcher

Antonio J. Ocaña Fernández

Postdoctoral Researcher

María Passas Varo

Research Engineer

Francisco J. García Izquierdo

Ph.D. Student